One approach might be something like this:

INSERT INTO t (a, b, c, d, e, idate)
SELECT 'p006',
       Coalesce(b, 1),
       Coalesce(c, 2),
       Coalesce(e, 4),
       (SELECT a, b, c, e FROM t WHERE a = 'p006' ORDER BY idate DESC LIMIT 1);

A slightly more succinct (but not universal) way:
Note: see point 1 of

INSERT INTO t (a, b, c, d, e, idate)
SELECT IfNull('p006', Max(idate)),
       IfNull(b, 1),
       IfNull(c, 2),
       IfNull(e, 4),
  FROM t
 WHERE a = 'p006';

On Sat, Nov 16, 2019 at 8:04 AM Jose Isaias Cabrera <> wrote:
> Doug, on Friday, November 15, 2019 11:42 AM, wrote...
> >
> > WRT Jose's original context, and just for my enlightment, what happens with 
> > the following:
> >
> > insert into t (a, b, c, d, e, idate)
> > SELECT a, b, c, 'y', e, '2019-02-12' FROM t WHERE a = 'p999';
> >
> > where p999 does not define a record? Is a new record inserted with values 
> > of a,b,c, and e null?
> Ok, I promise that this will be the last email on this for me:
> I just came to my senses, and sometimes, I need to insert when the 'a' value 
> does not exists, as Doug just brought to my attention.  So, I am trying to 
> insert a record with two new values using the last existing 'a'.  If a does 
> not exists, then I need to add that record with the two values.  I have been 
> trying a few INSERT with CASEs, but nothing is working.  I know one of you 
> will make it look easy, but this is what I have done as of now:
> create table t (n INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, a, b, c, d, e, idate);
> insert into t (a, b, c, d, e, idate) values ('p001', 1, 2, 'n', 4, 
> '2019-02-11');
> insert into t (a, b, c, d, e, idate) values ('p002', 2, 2, 'n', 4, 
> '2019-02-11');
> insert into t (a, b, c, d, e, idate) values ('p003', 3, 2, 'n', 4, 
> '2019-02-11');
> insert into t (a, b, c, d, e, idate) values ('p004', 4, 2, 'y', 4, 
> '2019-02-11');
> insert into t (a, b, c, d, e, idate) values ('p005', 5, 2, 'y', 4, 
> '2019-02-11');
> select * from t;
> 1|p001|1|2|n|4|2019-02-11
> 2|p002|2|2|n|4|2019-02-11
> 3|p003|3|2|n|4|2019-02-11
> 4|p004|4|2|y|4|2019-02-11
> 5|p005|5|2|y|4|2019-02-11
> I have tried various combination of the following,
> insert into t (a, b, c, d, e, idate) VALUES
> (
>     CASE
>        SELECT a from t WHERE a = 'p006' idate desc limit 1
>     WHEN a = NULL
>     THEN 'p006',1,2,'y',4,'2019-02-12'
>     ELSE SELECT a, b, c, 'y', e, '2019-20-12' from t WHERE a = 'p006' idate 
> desc limit 1
>     END
> );
> Error: near "SELECT": syntax error
> sqlite>
> But, different syntax error have popped.  Any help would be greatly 
> appreciated.  Thanks.
> josé
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