Simon Slavin, on Monday, November 18, 2019 05:14 PM, wrote...

> Being completely serious, whenever I see "undocumented" or "implementation 
> dependent" or
> "optimization side-effect", or a SQL statement I can't parse in my head, I 
> usually decide
> to do it in my programming language instead.  This simplifies testing and 
> debugging, and
> makes things easier for the poor engineer who has to understand my code.

Thanks for this.  Yes, I have lots of those.  Some of these, I can probably ask 
the GURUs in this list, and they would come up with some beautiful, SQL, but 
then, I wouldn't understand how to support it.  So, I do follow the statement 
above, as much as possible.

> You can do clever things in a language like SQL which allows recursive 
> construction
> clauses.  But what strikes me as ingenious when I'm writing it can look 
> bizarre and
> impenetrable to me, or someone else, a year later.

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