
I hadn't seen this thread when I posted my recent thread on optimising MAX aggregates but I suspect this could help my case as well.

At the moment I'm trying to limit the amount of data that the aggregate query has to visit in order to keep latency low but this optimisation would give me a bigger window within my latency target.

I have similarly structured indexes to Jens.

I'm following up on my "Optimizing `SELECT a, max(b) GROUP BY a`"
thread from a few weeks ago, rephrasing it as a clearer enhancement

ACTUAL BEHAVIOR: A query of the form `SELECT a, max(b) GROUP BY a`
runs slowly (O(n) with the number of table rows), even if there is an
index on (a, b DESC). The query plan explanation says "SCAN TABLE ...
USING INDEX". This is in SQLite 3.28.

EXPECTED BEHAVIOR: Query runs faster :-) My big-O fu is not strong
enough to express it that way, but I'd imagine it to be proportional
to the number of distinct `a` values, not the number of rows in the

DIAGNOSIS: According to Keith Medcalf, "it appears that the optimizer
will not utilize a skip-scan *AND* apply the max optimization

According to Keith, a workaround is to rewrite the query as
        select name,
       select max(timestamp)
         from table
        where name=outer.name
 from (
       select distinct name
         from table

This is of course a lot more complex. And unfortunately in my case the
query generator my program uses does not (yet) have the capability to
generate nested SELECTs, so the optimization is unavailable to me
until/unless we implement that.

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