On Fri, Dec 02, 2005 at 11:24:10PM -0500, Igor Tandetnik wrote:
> It is indeed an illegal SQL query. You probably want
> select id from test
> group by id
> having avg(rating) > 10;

I hadn't realized that my query was actually illegal.  OK.

> >The workaround of putting the aggregate in a subselect works fine:
> >
> >select id from
> >     (select id, avg(rating) as average from test where average > 10);

That was just my typing when I was too tired.  It does not work.
Make that:

  select id from
     (select id, avg(rating) as average 
          from test where average > 10 group by id);

I've got to start just pasting in my actual queries rather than trying
to simplify them.   I've messed up on that twice in a row now.



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