> On Saturday, 4 January, 2020 18:31, Amer Neely <nos...@softouch.on.ca>
> wrote:
>> I'm fairly new to SQLite, but have been using MySQL / mariadb in a local
>> and web-based environment for several years. So far I'm happy and
>> impressed with SQLite, but I recently noticed some odd behaviour with
>> one of my queries.
>> Using the command-line in a shell (Mac High Sierra) I get a particular
>> result from a query. The exact same query in a Perl script gives me a
>> different result. To my mind it is a simple query, getting the 5 latest
>> additions to my music library.
>> Command-line:
>> <code>select artists.artist, artists.artistid, cds.title, cds.artistid,
>> cds.cdid, genres.genre, genres.artistid from artists, genres inner join
>> cds using (artistid) group by artists.artistid order by cds.id desc
>> limit 5;</code>
>> gives me the correct result. However, in a Perl script it gives me a
>> different result. How is that possible? Could it be a Perl::DBI issue?
>> Many thanks for anyone able to shed some light on this.
> Your select does not constrain artists so the result is non-deterministic
> in that the result will depend on how the query planner decides to
> execute the query.  That is, you have not specified any join constraints
> on artists.
> means
>  FROM A, B, C
> WHERE B.D == C.D;
> if you thought it meant
>  FROM A, B, C
> WHERE A.D == B.D
>   AND B.D == C.D;
> then that is likely the reason for the discrepancy.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I have managed to 'solve'
this problem by constraining on artists.artistid by grouping on that.
But the question still remains, why the different results?

Amer Neely
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