On Monday, 20 January, 2020 12:42, David Bicking <dbic...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Thanks. I figured the solution would use CTE (this is a CTE, isn't it??)
>Unfortunately, they were neither in Sqlite, nor mentioned in any of the
>sql stuff I read when I taught myself to do SQL.so it took me a while to
>figure out how it works.

Yes, it is a recursive CTE.  It calculates the UNK line for the current period, 
then for each additional period for which there is a goal it calculates the 
that periods UNK line.  And adjustment only needs to be applied if the previous 
UNK was less than 0.

>Unfortunately, I extend the goals to cover all 12 months, leavings
>actuals for just periods 1 to 3. The result has UNK lines for periods 4
>to 12, with a null for the aount. I am guessing that this is because the
>in the unks cte it is subtracting the sum from data, but there is nothing
>in data, so it is subtracting a null resulting in a null.

You can fix this by replacing all the sum(amount) with total(amount).  sum 
returns null if there is no sum, total returns 0.0.  Then cast the result back 
to an integer at the end.

Do that with this too

>                select amount
>                  from goals
>                where period == unks.period+1

to make sure the return value is 0.0 rather than null (even though there can 
only be one record, it is the easiest way).

>I was able to put a coalesce around the data sum, and that does work.

>The line strftime('%m') seemed very strange. I guess without a time
>string, sqlite defaults the the current date and time. the sqlite docs
>don't mention this.

strftime('%m') is the same as strftime('%m', 'now'), the 'now' is the default 
if no arguments are provided for the datetime part.  However, what you probably 
want is strftime('%m', 'now', 'localtime') which will return the current month 
at your current timezone location, not at the prime meridian.

A CTE that will handle those cases might look like this (with all explicit 
casts and allowing NULL amounts, and data with no goals, and goals with no 

with first (period)
  as (
      values (cast(strftime('%m', 'now', 'localtime') as integer))
     last (period)
  as (
      select max((
                  select max(period)
                    from goals
                 ), (
                   select max(period)
                     from data
     unks (period, type, amount)
  as (
         select first.period,
                 select total(amount)
                   from goals
                  where period between 1 and first.period
                ) - (
                 select total(amount)
                   from data
                  where period between 1 and first.period
           from first, last
          where first.period <= last.period
      union all
         select unks.period + 1,
                 select total(amount)
                   from goals
                  where period == unks.period + 1
                ) - (
                 select total(amount)
                   from data
                  where period == unks.period + 1
                ) + min(unks.amount, 0)
           from unks, last
          where unks.period < last.period
   select period,
     from data
union all
   select period,
          cast(max(0, amount) as integer)
    from unks
order by 1, 2;

You do, of course, need an index on Data(period) to avoid all the table scans.

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

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