On Tuesday, 28 January, 2020 23:42, Peng Yu <pengyu...@gmail.com> wrote:

>I have two python programs using sqlite3. They function the same,
>except the following.

I presume this means you are using the standard (as in included with the 
standard Python distribution) sqlite3 module?  There are other ways to use 
SQLite3 (the database) from Python, the sqlite3 (pysqlite2) wrapper being only 
one of them.  What are the statements being executed?  Are you using "magical" 
mode for the wrapper (what is the isolation_level set to on the sqlite3.connect 

>In the first, execute() is called in batches and then commit() is
>called following them. In the second, commit() is called after each
>execute(). It seems that the second case is faster (I can not separate
>my code in a self-contained test case to show here).

>This is counterintuitive. I thought the first should be faster.

>Is it expected that the 2nd case should be slightly faster?

The first case (batching multiple inserts in a single transaction) should be 
faster.  On the below test disk I/O rate exceeded 100 MB/s for wal mode.

-----//----- insertspeed.py -----//-----
import sqlite3
import sys
import time

db = sqlite3.connect('test.db')

db.executescript('create table if not exists x(x)')

records = 1000000

print('sqlite3 wrapper version', sqlite3.version, 'using library version', 
for mode in ['wal', 'delete']:
    print('Database mode', mode)
    print('-------- -------- --------')
    print(' Records    Batch  Seconds')
    print('-------- -------- --------')
    for batchsize in [1000000, 100000, 10000, 1000, 100, 10, 1]:
        db.executescript('pragma journal_mode=delete')
        db.executescript('delete from x')
        db.execute('pragma journal_mode=%s' % mode)
        t = time.time()
        for i in range(records):
            db.execute('insert into x values (?)', (i,))
            if i % batchsize == 0:
        print('%8d %8d %8.3f' % (records, batchsize, time.time() - t))
    print('-------- -------- --------')


3.8.1 (tags/v3.8.1:1b293b6, Dec 18 2019, 23:11:46) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
sqlite3 wrapper version 2.6.0 using library version 3.31.1

Database mode wal
-------- -------- --------
 Records    Batch  Seconds
-------- -------- --------
 1000000  1000000    2.255
 1000000   100000    2.348
 1000000    10000    2.344
 1000000     1000    2.453
 1000000      100    3.355
 1000000       10    8.856
 1000000        1   64.167
-------- -------- --------
Database mode delete
-------- -------- --------
 Records    Batch  Seconds
-------- -------- --------
 1000000  1000000    2.215
 1000000   100000    2.460
 1000000    10000    3.320
 1000000     1000   12.099
 1000000      100   96.896

I couldn't wait for the smaller batches to complete in journal_mode delete.  I 
would expect them to take a looong time ...

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume. 

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