Stephan Senzel, on Sunday, February 2, 2020 08:12 AM, wrote...
> INSTR() ignores NOCASE on columns
> -----------------------
> example:
> SELECT * FROM table WHERE INSTR(column, ' castle ') > 0
> returns datasets with 'castle' only, without 'Castle', even if the
> column is set to NOCASE

True statement with v3.31.0:
SQLite version 3.31.0 2020-01-22 18:38:59
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
Connected to a transient in-memory database.
Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.
sqlite> create table t0(a string collate nocase);
sqlite> insert into t0 values ('In my castle I have...');
sqlite> insert into t0 values ('In my castle I have had...');
sqlite> insert into t0 values ('In my castle I''ve never had...');
sqlite> insert into t0 values ('In my Castle I have...');
sqlite> select a from t0 where INSTR(a,' castle') > 0;
In my castle I have...
In my castle I have had...
In my castle I've never had...

> LIKE doesn't have this problem, works well
> SELECT * FROM table WHERE column LIKE '% castle %'
> returns 'castle' and 'Castle' when column is set to NOCASE

Also true with v3.31.0:
sqlite> select a from t0 where a LIKE '% castle%';
In my castle I have...
In my castle I have had...
In my castle I've never had...
In my Castle I have...

Just making sure... :-)

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