John Stanton wrote:

Brad wrote:

I am looking for a simple way of using date and time values with
sqlite3. I have some Ctime classes ( which have to be stored in
the database and they should be compared.

If the class you're using has .Value property, or a way to easily transform the date from one format to another, you should probably store that. For instance, I like to store dates in string format, using something like "CCYYMMDDHHmmSS.SSSSSS". If I expect to need to deal with time zones, I'll store all the dates/times as GMT, or Universal time, and do the conversions when I create the datetime objects.

You might consider storing dates and times in ISO9601 format, and doing as suggested above, using Zulu time (also known as UTC, Universal Co-ordinated Time, formerly GMT). By complying with a standard and using UTC you can present the time according to time zone and daylight saving status. In a widely distributed system the complication is keeping track of daylight saving, but there are databases and tools which help.

The other way to store time is an offset from an epoch. The problem there is that there are arbitrary epochs. The best one is some date BC which has the magic property that it can be used to transform the offset into all of the major world date systems, like Gregorian, Arabic, Hebrew, Japanese etc.

If you application is fairly straightforward the ISO9601 format has the great advantage that it is human readable in its raw form.

This is a good idea, but you have the standard number wrong. It should be ISO 8601. See for more details.

Dennis Cote

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