
This work could be enormously useful to me. The configuration like looks what I need. If you could supply the patch that would be good.

I am looking forward to seeing how SQLite works on my pocket Linux box.


Paul Bohme wrote:
Ben Clewett wrote:

Dear SQLite

I wish to compile SQLite for the ARM processor running Linux (ARM720T).

The compilation will have to use the cross-compiler arm-linux-gcc version 2.95.2 running on Intel Linux, since the devise it's self has no compiler.

Does any person have an image for ARM?

If not, would any person have any advise on how this can be made?

Eg, in the configure, can the arm-Linux-gcc be specified as the compiler?

Thanks for any advise,

Ben Clewett.

The official way is to modify the Makefile (tweak the documented options to suit).

Given that there are autotools, this seems a bit 'off'. Unfortunately the autotools scripts are slightly broken for doing cross-compile builds, but aren't hard to make work. I had to tweak the configure script to allow disabling of the readline library (don't have/want it for my ARM target) - I can send along a patch against 3.2.7 for this if you'd like. Then, my configure command line was:

config_TARGET_CC=arm-linux-gcc config_BUILD_CC=gcc ./configure --disable-tcl --disable-readline --enable-threadsafe --enable-releasemode --host=arm-linux --prefix=/usr/local/arm

You will want to modify the --prefix= option to someplace that you want the ARM version installed so your other build scripts can pick it up.


P.S. to DRH: If you'd like I can properly package up any changes required to make SQLite more 'cross-compile friendly' without having parallel build mechanisms and pass them along. Doesn't look like any more depth needed than some simple autotools scripting tweaks so no damage to vital organs..

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