Dennis, it works perfectly well, so thank you for your quick and relevant 

test mjom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :  Hi, i'm beginning with SQLite and it 
seems that the keyword LIMIT is 
not supported on an UPDATE statement.
Does anybody would have a workaround to update only the very first 
row matching the search criteria ? Ex : 

create table tbl1 ( id integer primary key autoincrement, ref 
integer, sts varchar(16));
insert into tbl1 (ref,sts) values (10, 'ready' );
insert into tbl1 (ref,sts) values (20, 'ready' ); insert into tbl1 
(ref,sts) values (30, 'ready' );
update tbl1 set sts='busy' where sts='ready' ORDER BY ref DESC LIMIT 1;

=> i would like to have only the third record (30,'busy') updated.

Thank's in advance.

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