Kurt Welgehausen said:
>> SQLite doesn't support enums natively.  You could emulate it using
>> triggers, although it would be somewhat hidden and definitely a pain in
>> the tucus to use.
> It's not really so hard.
>  create table MainTbl (
>  ...
>  EnumCol SomeType references EnumVals,
>  ...);
>  create table EnumVals (val SomeType);
> Now you have to enforce the foreign key with a trigger.
>  create trigger EnumTrg before insert on MainTbl for each row
>  when (select count(*) from EnumVals where val = new.EnumCol) = 0 begin
>    select raise(rollback, 'foreign-key violation: MainTbl.EnumCol');
>  end;

That's a lot more elegant than what I had envisioned, which was a static
list of values.  Don't forget though that you'll also need to write an
update trigger, since it's pretty easy to write "UPDATE MainTbl SET

Clay Dowling
Simple Content Management

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