I gave up on this port. Far more complicated than what I initially thought.
Guess I'll have to implement stupid flat files manually. :((((((

On 12/30/05, Jay Sprenkle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, most people load the data to persistant memory when shutting
> down, or periodically
> to save a snapshot, and load it when booting up. It's fast but if your 
> hardware
> can't detect a power failure and write the data with what power
> remains in the power supply
> capacitors you risk losing some data in case of power failure between 
> snapshots.
> On 12/30/05, Axel Mammes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If I use memory database, the content will be zeroed when I reboot the
> > equipment. Only memory that is allocated for the filesystem is
> > persistant between power cycles.
> >

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