Hi all sqlite3 users,
I'm try to port sqlite version 3.3.0 on vxworks

I don't know why but using sqlite3 I receive
the same message error "database disk image is malformed"

if from shell I digit this commands:

sqlite> create table tbl1(one varchar(10), two smallint);
sqlite> insert into tbl1 values('hello!',10);
SQL error: database disk image is malformed

how you can see I obtain the same message "SQL error: database disk image is 

for me database is not malformed, I have also create the database on linux with
the same sqlite version and then I have copy this database on my vxworks system
but I receive the same message.

I have the same message also if I create the database in memory,

can you help me?

  Best Regards
 Andrea Federico

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