For the life of me I cannot figure out where this is going wrong. I am not a below average intelligence individual, and I have been working with computers for over 30 years, but this one has me totally at a loss.

I should point out that while I own MacOS based systems exclusively for home use, I have never formally developed much on the systems. I have used REALbasic in the past, along with HyperCard and the like, but it is only recently that I have commenced attempting to learn Objective-C and Cocoa programming. I do have years of experience with Digital (PDP, VAX, Alpha), various UNIX and Windows based systems, however, and have used all of the major programming languages at one time or another. Most of my recent professional work is based on C#/.Net under Windows, where we use SQL Server and MSDE (SQL Server Express now) almost exclusively.

I wanted to develop some applications to support my hobby and volunteer work -- officiating for Little League Baseball. Along with umpiring games, I also manage the District web site, and have written some code to track and report the results of season games, playoffs and tournaments. The original code was written in REALbasic, but I cannot afford to keep buying the new releases for a hobby that already costs me a significant amount of money each year. To that end I wanted to use the free XCode tools, which meant learning Objective- C and Cocoa for reasonable GUI applications. I was disappointed to find there was not readily available database interface, so I began writing one for myself in Objective-C.

I had some problems with the original attempt to develop a SQLite framework, so I decided to simply create an experimental application and embed the SQLite code, along with my framework classes, and the trial code in the same application. I organized the project so that the main project source files were in the project base directory, and created a subdirectory each for the framework code and the SQLite source code. This worked fairly well, and I was able to get enough code written that I could create a new database, create a table, but some data in the table, and execute a query that returned the results into an in-memory result set (vaguely similar to what ADO.Net can do, but FAR simpler). Since none of my immediate applications will result in huge result sets being generated, I deemed this sufficient.

I developed this trial application with the SQLite 3.2.8 source code, and it went fairly well. I was even able to step through my framework classes and even down into the SQLite source to track down how some operations actually worked. Life was not bad!

Then I decided to replace the SQLite source with the 3.3.0 contents and see if there were any improvements. As I noted, I simply replaced the 51 source files in the subdirectory of my project with the same files from the 3.3.0 source tree, and recompiled. The first thing I noticed was that there were now only 6 warnings about sign differences on variable sin assignments or procedure calls, and that the code seemed to compile just a bit faster. When I attempt to execute the code, however, it signals a bad exception on a call to sqlite3OsLock() on line 1969 of pager.c as I am attempting to execute the SQL statement to create my first table after the database is created.

1. I cannot locate in the 3.3.0 source code how the reference to sqlite3OsLock is converted into the virtual table method. 2. There are no longer an os_win.h or os_unix.h file in the source tree, which is fine.
3. For some reason I can no longer step into my framework code!
4. Naturally, I cannot step into the SQLite code either, since I cannot step into my framework. 5. I can set a breakpoint in my Objective-C code and step from there, but sometimes this steps over instead of into!
6. It almost always fails to step into the SQLite C calls.
7. If I set a breakpoint on a SQLite statement, I hit it, but single stepping is erratic at best, often stepping over and seeming to jump randomly around in the code rather than sequentially following the source code.

I am stuck! How do I resolve this problem and get the 3.3.0 code working once more?


On 12-Jan-06, at 11:52 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The whole OS-backend was reworked for version 3.3.0.  So
do not expect to find the same functions in 3.3.0 that you
had in 3.2.8.

unixLock() is actually a virtual method on the OsFile object.  Since
SQLite is written in C not C++, we have to explicitly code the
virtual method table.  You can find it defined as the IoMethod
structure in os.h.  When you open a file, (using, for example,
the sqlite3UnixOpenReadWrite() routine) you get back an object
called OsFile which has as its first field a pointer to the
IoMethod structure.  sqlite3OsLock() is really a macro that
resolves to  OsFile->pMethod.xLock  which should point to the
unixLock() function.  (It points to winLock() if you are running
on windows, obviously.)

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