Hello Marten,

Monday, January 16, 2006, 2:14:59 PM, you wrote:

To me duplicate entries or near duplicate entries in a table are a
no-no. Sounds to me like you're talking about inserting the object
multiple times in the same table each instance describing one
"property" of the object.

What you're suggesting sounds like

<id1><parent><child><property name><property value>
<id1><parent><child><property name><property value>
<id1><parent><child><property name><property value>
<id1><parent><child><property name><property value>
<id2><parent><child><property name><property value>
<id2><parent><child><property name><property value>
<id2><parent><child><property name><property value>
<id2><parent><child><property name><property value>

Which duplicates not only the ID but, the <parent> <child> entries
(from the original poster's requirements).

Whereas I'm suggesting

Table 1:

Table 2:
<id1><property name><property value>
<id1><property name><property value>
<id1><property name><property value>

<id2><property name><property value>
<id2><property name><property value>
<id3><property name><property value>

I don't belive you can do

<id1><parent><child><property name><property value><property
name><property value>...

Because you really have no idea how many properties there are going to
be. If you have one object with 2 properties and one with 100, you'll
have 200 columns of properties even for objects that only have 2

Now, if an object was ONLY properties then I agree, you could make a
table of only properties but, he's using the object table to define
some parent child hierarchy (It does sound like a sqliteized version
of XML).


MF> Teg schrieb:

>>Hello Marten,
>>I wasn't suggesting one table for all object, I was suggesting a table
>>for objects and a table for object properties. Using the object ID as a way
>>to identify which properties belong to what objects in the properties
>>table.  The "Vertical" part was simply for the object properties
>>since, there is no predefined limit on the number of properties any
>>object might have.
MF> What do you store in the object table ? Why do you need the object table
MF> ... just
MF> use the property table ! The entries within the property table defines
MF> the object !

>>It's not clear to me why a single properties table is a bad idea from
>>an SQL standpoint. Is it that the properties can be read in a random
MF>  What did I learned from history - one may use Oracle as a storage
MF> management and if it does not work, ok. If one uses PostgreSQL and
MF> it does not work - bad for the person.

MF>  If I store the data in the normal teached way in relational
MF> database ok, but if it wents wrong and a typical relational
MF> database administrator may look at your database you
MF> will be in trouble, because you use the tool in a way which
MF> is  very untypical - thats all I wanted to say.

MF>  Do whatever you want to do - beside the mainstream - but be
MF> prepared to  be  attacked. I love relational databases and I like
MF> to work with them very much.

>>With an index on the object id's of the properties table, I'd even
>>expect the performance to be reasonably good.
MF>  The time for the insert statement will grow linear - consider
MF> this as a possible problem. The amount of bytes transfered to
MF> the application will grow. You need several statements to insert
MF> one object. Consider this as a timing problem in a network
MF> environment.

MF>  But again: the vertical approach may be the way to go.

MF>  Marten

MF>  Marten

Best regards,
 Teg                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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