In the article about locking and concurrency on the SQLite website, where it talks about how to corrupt a SQLite database, it says that a SQLite database can be corrupted if a hot journal file is missing when SQLite reconnects to the database. What kind of corruption are we talking about, exactly? Is it that the data in the database is inconsistent, in the sense that only some of the data has been written with no way to roll any of it back? Or is this a more serious kind of corruption in which the database file becomes completely unusable? I guess I'd always thought the latter, but after reading through the article more carefully, I am now thinking it might be the former. If it is the former, it might be useful to make that explicit in the article. While having an inconsistent database is certainly a BadThing, having a completely unusable database (one that SQLite can't even open anymore) is far worse, in my opinion.


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