I did loads of research on this and even tinkered with a c to Java
converter, which got me a little bit further forward.  However, I
realised that I would be facing a huge effort to create the code base
and then have to support it within our projects.  So despite being an
SQLite zealot, I had to reluctantly nail my colours to one of the
existing Java tools.

I chose HSQLDB, after trying out most of the others, this was the only
one that got close to the file distribution format of SQLite i.e.
database in a file.  It took quite a bit of tinkering to get the right
mix of CACHED and MEMORY tables so that performance on start-up was
good.  Also, I had terrible trouble with mass imports causing memory
(what a surprise - Java) problems and it took a good few runs to get it
to properly index etc.  Also, I had to be much more specific about the
column definitions than with SQLite, otherwise my database files grew
horribly.  Also, you can only interact with HSQLDB via JDBC, not a big
problem in Java obviously.  Performance was nowhere near as good as

However, the upside is that HSQLDB is free, simple to deploy, has
standalone/server/servlet/in-memory deployment versions and is
reasonably perfomant.

Hope this helps,


p.s. I'd still prefer a Java SQLite but there you are........


-----Original Message-----
rg] On Behalf Of Ran
Sent: 19 January 2006 14:13
To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [RBL] Re: [sqlite] Sqlite and Java

If I am not mistaken, the following thread might be relevant:


On 1/19/06, Nilo Paim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Does anybody here knows something about a port of sqlite to java?
> Please, note that I'm not talking about java calling sqlite via JNI,
> about a real rewrite of sqlite using java. Obviously, a second step
> would be the writing of a JDBC driver.
> Would be useful that port?
> Comments? Suggestions?
> Thanks to all.
> Nilo
> Porto Alegre - Brasil

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