> - insert the value "0E9" (and other variables that would look like numbers
>   if they were in numeric fields) into a varchar(10) field, and it gets
>   converted to the numeric equivalent.

I think it might the perl wrapper doing the conversion. SQLite shouldn't
do this.

SQLite version 3.3.0
sqlite> create table a(b varchar(10));
sqlite> insert into a values('0E9');
sqlite> select * from a;
sqlite> select typeof(b) from a;
sqlite> insert into a values(0E9);
sqlite> select typeof(b) from a;
sqlite> select b from a;
> - The second problem appears to be a problem with self-locking.  I'm
>   inserting a "mapping" into a table.  I have a query active to find ids
>   that require mapping, and then I try to find the current lowest
>   unused "mapping" value, and insert it.

Right. You can't modify a table that is currently being scanned by
a SELECT query. One way around this is to make a copy of the table
in a TEMP table for the duration of the operation.

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