just for the protocol:
3.3.2 builds just fine & the CHECK constrains work flawless here on OS X 10.4! :)



On 22.01.2006, at 00:40, Weissmann Markus wrote:

On 21.01.2006, at 20:41, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Weissmann Markus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

oh, well - thanks for this hint! Nevertheless sqlite 3.3.1 (still)
does not complain:

SQLite version 3.1.3
sqlite> create table t (a integer primary key, b integer, check(b > 0));
sqlite> insert into t(b) values(-19);
sqlite> select * from t;

You example is from version 3.1.3, not 3.3.1.  Version 3.1.3
does not enforce check constraints.  Version 3.3.1 does.

o.k. - then I do have a build problem:
I'm building on OS X 10.4 where sqlite3 3.1.3 comes with the OS.
Whatever I do, I get a sqlite3 binary that claims to be version 3.1.3.
The installed header file, configure & the Makefile all carry version
3.3.1 And also the binary is linked to my new libsqlite3, not the

I first thought the build would somehow grab the version from the
system's sqlite3.h, but after moving it aside and rebuilding, I still
get a binary with version 3.1.3.

Are the sources messed up or the build mechanism? I can't find
occurrences of 3.1.3 in the sources... any hints appreciated!

Here is a screen scrap from where I just tried your test:

   SQLite version 3.3.1
   Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> create table t (a integer primary key, b integer, check (b>0));
   sqlite> insert into t(b) values(-19);
   SQL error: constraint failed
   sqlite> select * from t;

cool - as soon as I get 3.3.1 to run, I'll check this out!


Markus W. Weissmann

Markus W. Weissmann

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