That's great! Looking forward to it.

--- Ralf Junker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Joe Wilson,
> I want to thank you and everybody else to share their thoughts on SQLiteSpy 
> and let you know
> that I very much value your feedback. I initially wrote SQLiteSpy for my own 
> personal needs
> only, but it has since then certainly improved thanks to the responses I have 
> received by many
> of its users.
> The recent disusion on the internal / external database issue made me realize 
> that there is
> indeed a need for an internal database as well as an external DLL support for 
> SQLiteSpy. I hope
> to be able to cater for both needs by keeping the internal SQLite engine plus 
> adding optional
> support dynamically linking the SQLite3.dll in a future release. However, a 
> requirement will be
> that all custom DLLs be interface-compatible with the latest original 
> sqlite3.dll for SQLiteSpy
> to function properly.
> If you have further suggestions (appart from in-grid-editing - this is 
> already on the list ;-)),
> please let me know!
> Regards,
> Ralf
> >But I guess the number of satisfied users of the statically-linked 
> >SQLiteSpy outnumber the users requiring a custom/older/newer 
> >sqlite3.dll DLL by 100 to 1, so it's my loss. :-)

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