Kevin, I'm sure the SQLite mailing list would very much 
like to hear how long it takes to insert 400 million rows 
with (and without) an index using a 
PRAGMA cache_size=30000000 on a 48G RAM machine.
And how big the final database turns out to be.

You might also want to play with a larger page_size 
setting, such as PRAGMA page_size=4096; 
or PRAGMA page_size=8192;

I find that if you match the SQLite page_size the the 
OS' page size, you generally get better performance.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> "Kevin Bartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi SQLite,
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Thanks for building such a wonderful product. I've used BerkeleyDBs in
> > the past and have been pleased to have SQLite's SQL interface. That
> > said, I have some questions about optimizing .import.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > I'd like to load a tab-delimited file that's about 40G and has 400M
> > rows, and I'd like to build two indices on it. I load it with .import.
> > Questions:
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > -          How can I make this load as fast as possible? I've tried
> > wrapping the .import command in a transaction, but didn't notice any
> > change in the rate of file size growth.
> The ".import" command implemented by the shell already wraps
> everything into a transaction for you.
> > 
> > -          How can I get SQLite to use a large amount of memory for
> > indexing? Loading this table into MySQL, I have the server allocate a
> > buffer pool with around 48G of memory, which speeds things up a lot. Can
> > SQLite do that?
> You have a machine with 48G of memory?  Wow.
> PRAGMA cache_size=30000000;
> > 
> > -          What is the optimal time to create indices - during or after
> > the data load?
> > 
> Index creation is the slow part since during index creation, records
> have to be inserted an random points all throughout the table, not just
> at the end.  The .import should go a lot faster without any indices.
> Experience shows that creating indices after the insert tends to run
> faster - probably because of increased locality of reference.
> --
> D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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