Thomas Chust wrote:

On Fri, 3 Mar 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Is the DEFAULT value for a column suppose to replace
an explicit NULL value?  Or does the DEFAULT value only
get used if no values for an insert is specified?  What
is the correct SQL behavior?

SQLite does the latter - the DEFAULT value is only used
if no value is given for the column.  If you insert an
explicit NULL value then a NULL value is inserted instead
of the DEFAULT value.  Ticket #1705 says this is

Which is right?  The current SQLite implementation or
ticket #1705?

I don't know which is "right" but I certainly have a strong preference. If I explicitly insert a value into a column, it's because I want *that* value inserted -- even if the value I insert is NULL. If I don't insert any value, then I expect the DEFAULT value, if one is specified for the column to be
inserted in that column.



I can only second this statement. I would consider it very counterintuitive to have another values inserted instead of the explicitly specified one.


I believe that SQLite's current behavior matches the SQL standard and should not be changed.

It is worth noting that SQLite's behavior is not completely consistent. If the column is declared to be an 'integer primary key', then SQLite will insert a "default" value even when the user explicitly supplies a NULL value in an insert statement.

   sqlite> create table t(a integer primary key, b);
   sqlite> insert into t values(NULL, NULL);
   sqlite> insert into t values(NULL, 1);
   sqlite> select * from t;

In this case SQLite does not insert the explicitly supplied NULL value. It substitutes a "default" value that it determines internally.

To be completely consistent SQLite would have to be changed to require these insert statments to be entered with a column list as below. Now the user has not supplied an explicit NULL value for column a, and it is more consistent for SQLite to substitute its rowid value.

   sqlite> insert into t(b) values(NULL);
   sqlite> insert into t(b) values(1);

I don't think any such change should be made, since it will probably break many applications, but it worth noting.

Dennis Cote

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