"Igor Tandetnik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Cascading triggers are supported [in SQLite], recursive triggers are not. 
> That is, if you have an insert trigger on table A which, say, inserts 
> into table B, and there's an insert trigger on table B, it will run. But 
> if this latter trigger turns around and inserts into table A, the A 
> trigger won't run again.

I've been looking into this.  Right now, if you have a recursive
trigger, it just doesn't run.  There is no error.  I'm thinking of
perhaps changing that so that you do at least get an error message.

Thoughts?  Would making recursive triggers an error rather than
just silently ignoring them break anybody's code?

I'm also looking at making DELETE triggers recursive.  I can do that
because recursive DELETE triggers are guaranteed to terminate (you
will eventually run out of rows to delete.)  But INSERT or UPDATE 
triggers might go on forever.  There are also technical issues that
make recursive INSERT and UPDATE triggers more difficult so that I
would prefer to delay implementing them.

Comments?  Would it be useful to have recursive DELETE triggers
even without recursive INSERT or UPDATE triggers?
D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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