"Boris Popov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does this help at all?

No.  A stack trace, especially one without line number
information, is of no help whatsoever.

If you think the problem is in SQLite and not in your
own code, then you should do as much of the following
as you can:

  (1)  Explain why you think the problem is in SQLite.
  (2)  Tell us exactly what version of SQLite you are
       using and how you obtained it (did you compile it
       yourself or use a precompiled download.)
  (3)  Provide us with your database schema and the
       query you were executing at the time of failure.
  (4)  Provide a sample database.
  (5)  Provide copies of your source code
  (6)  Come up with a reproducible test case that
       demonstrations the problem using the command-line
       shell, sqlite3.exe

D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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