Are you sure that $dbh0>(sqlite_version) returns the same thing as executing the following SQL:

   select sqlite_version();

I don't use perl, so I'm not sure how you actually execute the query.

One other possibility, you may have a wrapper that is statically linked to an older library and the dynamic library may not be used.

Finally, shouldn't the library name be or

Dennis Cote

I don't know if it does or not.

I intended to do both, but...

I can not get any variant I tried of --select sqlite_version(); -- to execute.
It always complained about the statement in one way or another.

Between your help and Mr. Jackson and the ldd tool I found the problem. does indeed use,  in my case.

I installed both SQLite 3.2.7 AND the perl DBD library which should both contain all the code
and build the required libs. was built and installed into /usr/local/lib

The problem is the fact it appears my OS came with a copy of SQLite preinstalled, in /usr/lib.

Dynamic Linking found that one first.

Problem solved, Thanks everyone.


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