On Wed, Apr 12, 2006 at 04:27:29PM -0700, Will Leshner wrote:
> On 4/12/06, Jerome Alet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > All the test program does in the mainloop is a bunch of INSERT
> > queries all on the same table, but all INSERTS (millions of them)
> > are done within a single SQL transaction.
> Are you doing millions of inserts in one transaction?

That's what I wrote, yes.

My app is mostly based on command line tools which accept
a very large number of arguments (only limited by memory),
and which modify the database in batch mode.

However any of these command line tools MUST be interruptible
with Ctrl+C (for example) by the user who launched them, for
example because of a typo in the command, or something like that.

Using a single transaction allows me to do a rollback if the command 
was interrupted (or crashed for some reason), and still have a clean 


Jerome Alet

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