Tito Ciuro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I was wondering whether it is safe to read or write a table while  
> being indexed. Here's a scenario: for batch imports, it's sometimes  
> better to DROP the indexes, do the INSERTs and then recreate the  
> relevant indexes. Indexing may take a little bit of time, so I was  
> wondering if:
> - Other processes/threads could read or write the data (even though  
> the indexes are not yet available)
> - Is it safe, or even possible?
> - Does SQLite acquire an EXCLUSIVE lock when indexing? 


> If not, should  
> I wrap the CREATE INDEX statements within a BEGIN EXCLUSIVE  
> transaction, to be safe?
> - If I'm not mistaken, an EXCLUSIVE lock does not stop other readers  
> from accessing the database.

You are mistaken.  An EXCLUSIVE lock means that only the connection
holding the lock is able to access the file.

> What would happen if a process/thread  
> reads data being indexed?
D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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