I've looked some more at this (unfortunately using 2.8.16 although the problem is also exhibited by 3.3.4) and the problem seems to be in sqlitepager_commit and its call to pager_get_all_dirty_pages which returns every page of the database as dirty and then proceeds to write every page to disk by calling pager_write_pagelist. Only one record has been changed, and of course as the database gets larger the more writing it does. I've been building the Windows sqlite source with CodeWarrior 9.6 on the Mac and targeting the Windows platform. I'm wondering if there is some compile define I should be setting but am unaware of.


On Apr 04, 2006, at 17:02, Milton Sagen wrote:

After a machine restart the first time I try to change a field in a record, on Windows, it takes an inordinately long time for the sqlite code to return, the amount of time is dependent on the size of the database but even for a 20 Meg one with about 4000 records, the time is in the order of a minute. Once the change is made I can quite the program and relaunch it, open the database, and make another change exactly like the first to another record and the sqlite code returns almost immediately. On the Mac OS X, I don't see this delay.

I see this with SQLite 2.8.16 as well as 3.3.4.

Here's the schema for the database:

CREATE TABLE MyTable (RID Integer Primary Key, Filename Text, PathType Integer, Path Text, Category Text null, Favorite Boolean null, Missing Boolean null, Thumbnail Blob null);
CREATE INDEX MyTable_Filename on MyTable (Filename);

a record is added with

INSERT into MyTable (RID, Filename, PathType, Path, Category, Thumbnail) (10000, 'afile.jpg', 1, 'path', 'data');

path = dos path (windows path - whatever you want to call it - it starts with c:\) data = hex encoded data of a raw bit map - (this originally used 2.8.16 and I could see any other way to get raw binary data into the database)

the update is simply this:

UPDATE MyTable set Favorite = 1 where RID = 10000;

In fact I find that I get a delay anytime I change the database following a reboot of the machine, i.e. deleting a record, inserting a record, updating a record.

The routine that seems to get take the time is sqlite3VdbeExec.

Anybody have any idea what might be going on here or how to fix it? Why does it only happen after a reboot of the machine? Similarly, and this I see on both the Mac and Windows if on launch I do the following:

select rid from MyTable order by lower(filename);

on a database with approximatley 4000 records it will take about 14 seconds, after a reboot, to complete. Quitting the program and relaunching on the Mac the select completes in 0.04 seconds.


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