Dennis Cote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> I'm having trouble compiling the 3.4.5 version with encryption
> >> extensions.. 
> > Question answered by private email.
> >
> >   
> Version 3.4.5...
> I wonder if this is a typo or the mythical "Cinnamon". Editing in the 
> wiki and questions being answered by private email makes it all seem 
> very hush hush. ;-)

A typo, I'm sure.  The questioner is an Encryption Extension
customer and is not connected with the "Cinnamon" project.

"Cinnamon" is the code name for the effort to add full text
search to SQLite.  I did not come up with the name - the main
project sponsor did.  If that sponsor wishes to identify themselves,
they are welcomed to do so, but as is the usual policy in this kinds
of things, I will not.
D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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