John Stanton wrote:
As you postulated, Sqlite's approach is indeed more rational.

Most SQL implementations use fixed-size records
so it makes more sense for them to enforce each
column's data type exactly - inserting a string
into a column which can only hold a single char
isn't very useful.

SQLite's flexibility makes life much easier. I
now see it as A Good Thing. Switching to a SQL
implementation without it must be quite traumatic.

As for what you are doing, the way I did a similar thing for compatibility was to make a function which looks at the declared type and the actual type and makes the appropriate conversion if necessary to match the destination requirements.

Seeing as I'm designing a wrapper it makes no difference
- I simply moved the type info from the column list into
the results.

If I ever support (eg.)MySQL I figure it won't be much of
a problem to emulate this behavior.

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