Hi John

> The current API is complete regarding types.  It returns both the 
> declared type and the type actually stored.  There is nothing else.
> Note that the actual storage type can vary between rows according to the 
> data format, which is why the actual type is returned row by row.

*hmmm* "vary between..." thats a different way to the way in my
past and required a little different view at the db from me. 

maybe i can solve my problem, if i do furthermore save same type 
in same column - as always having done. but i cannot request the 
fieldtype after open the table. First i have to read the first 
row, all fields and request every type of every field. if 
i don't (that followed) vary the stored type, maybe my problem
is be solved (...hope so... is it solved?)

Greeting from germany

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