
sqlite saya: (sorry... dont know, how to answer in thread)

>Re: [sqlite] How can I get the type of a column?

>Thu, 11 May 2006 16:50:34 -0700
>Most SQL implementations use fixed-size records
>so it makes more sense for them to enforce each
>column's data type exactly - inserting a string
>into a column which can only hold a single char
>isn't very useful.
>SQLite's flexibility makes life much easier. I
>now see it as A Good Thing. Switching to a SQL
>implementation without it must be quite traumatic.

i think so too. and i think, its good to embed some restriction 
in my App to get better secure. Handle it vary like Sqlite, 
makes life realy much easier. But, which point of view is 
the rigth point? I found the following in MSDN, as my 
_splitpath() crashes in compiler. (Anyway... SQlite is my
exclusiv selected DB for App with embedded SQL :-)) 


_splitpath, _wsplitpath 
Break a path name into components. These functions are deprecated because
more secure versions are available, see _splitpath_s, _wsplitpath_s.

_splitpath_s, _wsplitpath_s
Break a path name into components. These are versions of _splitpath,
_wsplitpath with security enhancements as described in Security Enhancements
in the CRT.

Run-Time Library Reference 
Security Enhancements in the CRT 

Significant enhancements have been made to make the CRT more 
secure. Many CRT functions now have more secure versions.*snip*
For example, the strcpy function has no way of telling if the string that it
is copying is too big for its destination buffer. However, its secure
counterpart, strcpy_s, takes the size of the buffer as a parameter, so it
can determine if a buffer overrun will occur. If you use strcpy_s to copy
eleven characters into a ten-character buffer, that is an error on your
part; strcpy_s cannot correct your mistake, but it can detect your error and
inform you by invoking the invalid parameter handler.

Run-Time Library Reference 
Parameter Validation 

Most of the security-enhanced CRT functions and many of 
he preexisting functions validate their parameters. This 
could include checking pointers for NULL, checking that 
integers fall into a valid range, or checking that enumeration 
values are valid. When an invalid parameter is found, the 
invalid parameter handler is executed. (.... and so on)

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