Large chunks of the array will be accessed. Very rarely (if ever) will just one value of the array be needed. From what you guys are saying, this makes it seem like a BLOB would be the way to go. Another thing i forgot to mention, each name will most likely have not one, but many arrays associated with it. This also in my mind seems like blob is the way to go.

John Stanton wrote:
Do you intend to access array elements using SQL?

Kevin Piciulo wrote:
 Hey everyone,

This may not be the place to ask (if not please direct me.) I'm relatively new to sql, and newer to sqlite. Through experimenting i've figured out how to add a string to a table, create a table, remove a string, some basic stuff like that.

What I'd like to do is add an array to my table. For example: i have 2 columns, Name,and Numbers. Numbers needs to hold an array for each entry under Name. That is each name has it's own array.

I tried to learn a little about BLOBs, but aside from the fact that they're Binary Large Objects I didn't find much. Is a BLOB what I'd use to store information in this way?

 I appreciate any help or direction you guys can give.

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