Hello all,

I would like to set up a project to "spatialise" sqlite.
1 - to be able to create geometry colum that would store points,multipoints,lines,multilines,polygones and multi-polygones (Ogis "simple features") 2 - to be able to load and exchange data from WKT (well know text format) and binary (shape file for instance) 3 - to create a spatial index on geometry data (either an quadtree or a more advanced Rtree).
4 - to do spatial operation (join, disjoin, near, ...) on those data.

I'm ready to contribute code for 1 and 2, there are open-source c or c++ library for 3 and 4.

Ideally source should be on sqlite.org.

What do you think ? Any interest ?

Noël Frankinet
Gistek Software SA

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