Hi all,

sorry for repost, but I have gathered some more info for my encoding

I am using latest SQLite with Java 1.4.2 and openSuSE in order to build
a morphological analyzer for the German language (it's an open source
project for my University). I found out that SuSE has UTF-8 activated by
default, so when I compiled db and the wrapper from Christian Werner
UTF-8 was "on".
When I manually insert data into my db, the "umlauts" ä,ü,ß,ö and the
like are properly displayed. But with Java, when I read either from an
ISO 8859-1 or UTF-8 encoded textfile and then query the db, I see that
the umlauts are substituted with strange letters.
To be more precise, when UTF-8 was still activated, all occurences of
umlaut where substituted with dotted rectangles. I then deactivated
UTF-8 and now I see strange letters (like the 'i' with two dots or the
question mark upside down) instead of the umlauts.

What do I need to do to fix this? Must I compile SQLite again having
UTF-8 deactivated? I'd prefer using ISO 8859-1 over UTF-8 if possible.

_Please_ help

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