Hello Noel,
I'm reposting this message because I have the feeling that you missed the
original one.

>I don't plan to replace the normal indexing, I plan to have a set of 
>function to create a (memory ?) index. But how do I retrieve the data 
>without doing a select where rowid = xxx ?

If you're going to create a memory index, than this will be no sqlite
spatial index extension: I'm already doing this now by selecting records
from a table and creating an in-memory spatial index.

I don't know whether by coincidence or not, dr. Hipp has just published a
wiki page regarding Virtual Tables which might do the trick, and although
it's in very incipient stage (e.g. proposal) it sounds interesting. Go check
it out at http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=VirtualTables.

I must confess that I'm a little tired right now and I cannot see the
Virtual Table's application in Spatial Indexes :-) Perhaps tomorrow morning
my luck will change and I'll be enlightened.

And another think, regarding your second wannado:

>2 - to be able to load and exchange data from WKT (well know text
>format) and binary (shape file for instance)

I don't know / think whether this extension should / must be able to read an
ESRI shape. You should design your extension carefully with a pluggable way
of doing readers/writers. This way, if anyone needs to work with a special
format he/she could write it if it doesn't exist.

I'm saying that because, for example, I've chosen to use an SVG-style
notation for storing my gis elements.


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