
So my problem of retrieving 1,000,000 random records 1,000,000 times
works fine for 15 bytes. But it is taking too long a time for 1k
records. It is almost taking 102 seconds for retrieving 50,000 records
of size 1k. Can u suggest me a way for reducing the time taken for the
same? I have'nt done any changes in my program. The only change I made
was adding primary key to the seq_number column in my data insertion

My guess is that with 15 byte records you operating system keeps the
entire database in the file cache and no real IO is done. When you use
the 1k records, the entire database does not fit into memory anymore,
and therefore real IO is done. That slows database access dramatically
down. I guess if you watch the CPU usage in the 15 byte case, its close
to 100% and in the 1k case it's very low (an you have a lot of disc


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