> Actually, I thought it would fix my problem but it seems like it persists. 
> What seems to happen is that the generate parse.h file stops at token ID 
> #136. I can hack my way through although it does not make sense to me why 
> TK_SPACE would not be generated from the parse.y  file.

There is an AWK script, addopcodes.awk, that runs after lemon
that patches up the parse.h file.

To a reduced footprint build, you really need to be running
some kind of Unix - probably Linux.  A version of Linux that
boots from CDROM like Knoppix will work.  Edit Makefile.linux-gcc
to do what you need then type "make target_source" to build the
pure C source code which you can then move to your target
system for final compilation.
D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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