
To use a transaction just issue SQL to start it before you do your inserts and SQl to issue a COMMIT when you finish. You can just use sqlite3_exec to start and finish, no need for prepares.

Look up the documentation to get the transaction options which are correct for your application.

With a transaction you have the option of a ROLLBACK should you have an error and want to clean up any insertions entered so far so that you can start again without duplications.

Aloha from the South Pacific.

Hi John

Anne, you don't say that you make your 100 inserts a transaction.

Yes, I don't make the inserts in a transaction... because in that moment don't know how to use it.

Now I have read in the Docu and after it seems to me, that I understand,
I insert a Test-Function in my App. I start it... and nothing goes
on. I start it again... same result. I check my Source and see, thats ok. I start it at the third time, also the same... no result.

I Check my source again, and it seems furthermore to be ok. Then I use "my" SQLiteSpy and take a look in the Database. And I wonder... all Records being created. Whats that?

SQLite works so fast, that I cannot see it works...  :-D
Famous... very famous...

Thanks and best Greetings from Germany

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