> In the meantime, you can work around the problem by
> implementing the GROUP BY function in your application
> code.  Remove the aggregate functions and GROUP BY
> clause from your query and just return every row of
> the intermediate table, then compute the aggregates
> and grouping yourself.  This should be just as fast
> as the old algorithm in your case.

Ah, so that's why someone was asking for a GROUP_CONCAT() 
to be added to the SQLite codebase.


I did not realize what it was for until your suggestion.
They likely encountered the same issue. Their patch was made
against 3.2.7 (after the GROUP BY algorithm change) and it 
apparently offered them a 20X speed increase.

Although the users of my system prefer to use standard SQL,
I can either use something similar to that as a workaround
or continue using 3.2.1 until I absolutely need a feature
or bugfix in the latest version.

Thanks for your response and suggestion.

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