I am using tcl8.4.6 and have upgraded my sqlite from sqlite-2.8-13 to sqlite-3.3.5. I originally tried to update my tcl8.4.6 to tcl8.4.11 and could not get my application to run. I can get my application to come up with tcl8.4.6 and the sqlite-3.3.5 with some problems. After changing application calls from sqlite to sqlite3 where needed, the application crashes getting a signum 11 error after calling sqlite3HashInsert. I have placed fprintf statements in the sqlite3HashInsert, so it gets there, it just doesn't return. It appears that the arguments are correct in calling the sqlite3HashInsert in hash.c. This procedure is called in my application after some parsing and detecting a semi-colon.
Has anyone experienced problems in their application(s) upgrading to sqlite-3.3.5 when making a call to sqlite3HashInsert and if so, is there a solution to this problem? -Bill