Kareem Badr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I read the section on the SQLite website regarding the inconsistencies 
> of how NULL values are handled in various databases. I didn't see 
> anything that mentioned what I am running into, though.
> In a nutshell, the following queries do not return rows when test_field 
> is NULL. It seems counter-intuitive to me.
> SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE test_field NOT LIKE 'test value%'
> SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE test_field != 'test value'
> I can understand the NOT LIKE query not returning rows with NULL more 
> than I can understand the != query not returning any rows. NULL does not 
> equal 'test value'.
> Is there an easy way around this, other than adding "OR test_field IS 
> NULL" to my queries? The example above is a lot simpler than the case I 
> need to handle in production, so I would like to avoid having to modify 
> every query to handle NULL values in a special case.

I usually use the coalesce() function to fix this.  For

   SELECT * FROm table WHERE coalesce(test_field,'') != 'test value';

The "coalesce(test_field,'')" will convert all NULL values of
test_field to an empty string and leave all other values unchanged.

D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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