yuyen wrote:
> Ok, finally I found the problem is that the PHP and Apache are installed
> in local drive and I put the sqlite database file on a remote file
> server which is a Linux / Samba. I can use sqlite3.exe to open that
> remote database with a mapped remote drive. And Insert, Update and
> Delete have no problem with it. While with Apache and PHP pdo, if the
> database is concurrently opened by sqlite3.exe, it will report "can't
> not open database". Close sqlite3.exe, then PHP pdo can open it, but it
> open as read-only. If I put the database file in local dirve, then there
> is no any problem at all. Even I can use sqlite3.exe concurrently with
> PHP pdo. Does Apache has different thinking about remote server?

SQLite has issues with remote servers.  It's entirely dependent upon the
network file system's file locking mechanism, which tends to be
something of a blunt instrument.  It's also somewhat unpredictable.
You'll be best off to keep the file on a local drive.  If you need
access from multiple servers a database engine with a network server
daemon is going to be a better choice.  PostgreSQL comes highly
recommended, as do several others.

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