> The code compiles and runs for me.  I am running the regression
> test suite as I type this and there are no problems so far.  However,
> let me restate that I do not have the ability to test the behavior
> of SQLite in the presence of virus scanners and Tortoise SVN, so
> I am looking for people who do have that capability to help me
> by testing these changes thoroughly.  Please let me know if the
> changes implemented by checking [3200] fail to fix the random
I got the changes and recompiled the sqlite3.dll
The problem is not there any more: I tested in 2 different machines (both
with WinXP and SVN) and I never got any error, while testing at the same
time with the previous version I got the error.

Although I cannot say that i am 100% certain that this solution is total, I
can see that the error is not happening any more (and reading the changes I
can confirm that the patch approaches the problem properly).
I will do more tests later and report back should I find any failure.

Thank you Richard for your prompt response to this serious issue! 


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