Halim Issa wrote:

I have been trying to get an application that utilizes SQLite to run on our system, but according to the application developers it fails because SQLite is incompatible with NFS and thus cannot work on NFS-mounted volumes. Attempts at locating this bug in the SQLite database has been futile, so I wondered if someone could kindly point me towards the bug ID of this problem?

The application in question is KDE's digiKam, and the bugs are described in
Yes this is a main sqlite problem. Look here :


I'm a bit puzzled by this, as all our clients are diskless and thus rely on NFS for both /home and other volumes, and we run multiple other SQLite-based applications without trouble.

Any insight regarding the status and progress of this bug would be greatly appreciated!

That will depend entirely on your OS vendor's plans to upgrade NFS and file locking. This is an old and known problem with NFS, and is not a problem with SQLite. SQLite relies on filesystem locking to control database access during writes, and many (most?) network filesystems don't have very fine-grained locking.

You may get away with using SQLite just fine on a networked file system, but don't be shocked if the database gets corrupted during writes. It's mentioned in the documentation, and again, isn't an SQLite bug.

CeaMuS, Simple Content Management

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