--- Joe Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Let's assume that for a given OS that fcntl() file locks
> work perfectly well on any thread. Would it then be safe
> from an SQLite perspective to finalize statements that were 
> prepared in one thread in a different thread? (where the sqlite 
> connection would only be used on one thread at a time).

s/prepared/last stepped/

Please let me restate the question.
Is fcntl()'s reliability from any thread the sole issue preventing
transferring sqlite database connections between threads?

> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > It is possible to construct a case where finalizing a statement
> > from a different thread that the one where it was last stepped
> > would cause a problem.
> > 
> > Remember, that the operating system bug that is causing all the
> > multithreading grief is that file locks created by one thread
> > cannot be reliably removed or modified by a different thread.
> > So if a statement acquires a lock on the database file in one
> > thread and you try to finalize the statement in a different
> > thread, the finalization would involve releasing the lock in
> > a different thread from which it was acquired - an operation
> > that silently fails on certain Linux kernels.
> > 
> > On the other hand, if you sqlite3_reset() all statements in 
> > the thread where they were last run, then all locks are released
> > by the reset.  Then you are free to finialize the statements
> > from any thread you want.

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