"Lists Hammersley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We have an existing application which stores data out to flat files.
> We would like to use SQLite as the storage mechanism for column-like
> data, other datatypes would remain in flat-files. However,  there are a
> few use cases which make it difficult to keep the flat files in  sync
> with the SQLite database. This is because the project is maintained  in
> memory until the user does a save, whereupon the  in-memory
> representations are written out to the flat-files.
> For  example, we store a list of table names in our flat files. If the
> user should  import an additional table, the in-memory list of table
> names will be updated  and a new table will be written out to the
> SQLite database. If the user  should now quit the application without
> saving, there will be a table in the SQLite database which is not
> linked to in our flat files.
> The neatest  solution would probably be to use nested transactions. To
> keep one long  transaction which is committed when the user does a
> save. Nested transactions  are then used when making modifications to
> the database which may fail and  need a partial rollback.
> Unfortunately, SQLite does not support this.
> This seems to leave the approach of copying the SQLite database  file
> when a write to the database is begun. Then on a save to copy  the
> SQLite database back.
> Are there neater solutions to this  problem?

If you want to preserve the traditional File/Open + File/Save
semantics, you could create an in-memory SQLite database then
copy the disk database to the in-memory database on File/Open,
and copy the other way on File/Save. 

But I have found that the traditional File/Open + File/Save
paradigm leaves a lot to be desired.  From a user interface
perspective File/Open+File/Close is not good design.  I know
that most applications use that design, but they do so only
due to technological limitations - limitations that are
relaxed through the use of SQLite as your application file
format.  I find it better to directly update the database 
on disk. In my latest programs, I have removed File/Save.
Every on-screen change is immediately written out to the
application file, so there is never any reason to save.  I
still have File/Save_As, which makes a copy of the database
and begins using the copy.  And File/Open closes the current
database and opens a new one.  But File/Save is missing from
the File menu all together.

Think of it as an automatic save.  You never again will lose
work due to a power loss or other system crash. 

The one thing you lose when you remove File/Save is the
ability to deliberately abandon your work - to quit without
saving.  But that is easily remedied with an unlimited
depth undo/redo mechanism.   You can implement an undo/redo 
using triggers. See for example


D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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