> Hello,
> I need a server-less SQL engine. Unless someone recommends a better tool
> (embedded FireBird? Something else?), I'm thinking of using SQLite.
> Problem is, several wrappers are listed in the SQLite wiki. Can you
> recommend one, ideally under active development, easy to use, etc.
> - Aducom open-source Delphi/BCC SQLite components
> http://www.aducom.com
> - ZeosLib
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/zeoslib/
> - DISQLite3
> http://www.yunqa.de/delphi/sqlite3/
> - LibSQL
> http://libsql.dubaron.com/
> - Simple Sqlite 3.0 for Delphi
> http://www.itwriting.com/sqlitesimple.php
> Thank you.

Having done a similar research in the past I would certainly suggest to not
use any library and use directly the sqlite procs. All you need is a file to
declare the functions in Delphi and then just use the functions directly.

Personally, I have just created some simple wrapper functions in Delphi
(very simple - 3 lines each) to make it a bit easier to call the SQLIte

Using a wrapper is usually bug-prone (unfortunately most of them have bugs)
and it usually wraps around the TDataset which is not a good idea (unless
you are using bound controls).
Also, if you use a wrapper you will need to learn 2 APIs: SQLite's and the
LIB's, which is again a bad idea.

Hope this is of some help,

P.S. I am not the 'do-it-yourself' kind but in this case, it is really
better to use sqlite directly!

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