
I'm trying to bulid a database engine based on uc/os-II RTOS with my own 
customized file system(similar with FAT16, but not exactly the same). I find 
that SQLite is a good choice. 

I have read the SQLite source code for several days, but I still have no idea 
where I should begin with.

SQLite is a db engine totally based on disk file. So I guess most of my future 
work should be to wrap my self-defined file system to have the same interface 
as needed in os_win.c. Is it correct? 

Could anyone give me some advice?

Another question:

Because my project will run in an embedded environment, so I have to take care 
of the RAM consumption. I have went through the mail list, but not found the 
description of minimum RAM usage. 

Could anyone tell me how much RAM is needed to run SQLite in an embedded 

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,


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